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[May의 소소한 일상 정보]

송내역 물품보관함 가는 법 Songnae Station a locker

by winner ONE 2020. 3. 16.

송내역 물품보관함 가는 법  Songnae Station a locker

*2020년 3월 14일 기준입니다. 


송내역에서 내리면 바로 앞에 출구로 나가는 계단으로 나가면 된다. 

Once you get off at Songnae Station, you can take the stairs to the exit in front of you.


출구로 나간다.

Go out through the exit.


출구로 나가 화살표 방향으로 걷는다. 물품보관함은 멀지 않은 곳에 있다. 

Exit and walk in the direction of the arrow. The locker is not far away


그러면 바로 눈앞에 있는 것이 물품보관함이다. 

Then what's right in front of you is the locker.

물품보관함 칸이 많지가 않다. 

There aren't many locker compartments.

소형 보관함은 2000원 선결제이며 매일 밤 12:00 이후마다 추가 요금을 부과한다

중형 보관함은 3000원 선결제이며 매일 밤 12:00 이후마다 추가 요금을 부과한다

대형 보관함은 5000원 선결제이며 매일 밤 12:00 이후마다 추가 요금을 부과한다


Smaller storage boxes are prepaid at 2,000 won and charge extra every night after 12:00 p.m.

Medium storage is prepaid at 3,000 won and charges extra every night after 12:00.

The large storage box is prepaid at 5,000 won and charges extra every night after 12:00.


아래의 사진은 사용 설명서이다 한글과 영어, 중국어로 표기되어 있다. 

The picture below shows the instructions for use. It is written in Korean, English and Chinese.

Terms of Use

1. Be sure to read the precautions when using the automatic storage box and use them according to the instructions in 'Storage' and 'Find'.

2. The service charge is based on the standard standard charges attached to the surface of the ship once or on the same day (until 12:00 p.m.

3. Only Korean currency can be used. You should pay a small fee for each use.

4. The following items cannot be stored:
Explosives, weapons, weapons (including models), dangerous goods, drugs, firebombs, stolen goods, animals, carcasses, cadavers, animals, carcasses, decomposing, stinking items, such as goods worth over 100,000 won in market value, precious metals, antiques and high-priced goods, etc.

5. The basic charge for the box will be added after midnight on the day of storage.

6. The user shall be responsible for and manage the password of the storage box (fingerprint recognition storage) and not for any accidents caused by the loss of the password.
The accident, liability and damage caused by the above cause shall be borne by the owner of the stowage.

7. If you don't visit the store after 4 days, you'll keep the storage at a different location, and the basic charge will be added for every 12 o'

8. The items that have been moved to another location after 4 days are not covered by 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays, Saturday, Sunday, and legal holidays. If you ask for the receipt of the items, we can check them before receiving them.

9. If there is no single indication or request for the storage during 30 days (including the date of the transfer of the item to another place), the item shall be regarded as a waiver of ownership of the item and will be disposed of at our disposal by us.

10. The archive can't be found when the password is lost and the use fingerprints are not available.
However, if you want to find the archive of the item, you can prove that it's you and then find the locker.

11. For consultation and other inquiries, please use the following telephone number.

Cautions for Use of Storage Boxes

1. Confirm Locking the Storage Box

Please check the lock of the storage box after you put it in and after you find it.
The vault does not lock automatically.
The user is responsible for the failure to check the lock of the archive.

2. Keep receipt with password

Close the door within three minutes and you must keep the password on the receipt.
Other people may open the door with the password of the receipt, and without the password of the receipt, the door cannot be opened if fingerprint recognition is not available.

3. Press Find to exit (one time)

If you press 'Find' and fingerprint it, the storage box will be used and you will have to pay again without a refund.
If an error occurs, please contact the phone that was provided before fingerprint recognition of 'Found' for action.

4. Select a number or size

You will not be refunded for the wrong number or size.
Please check the size and size of the item before using it.

5. Additional charges will be incurred after midnight.

There is no extra charge for the day, and there will be an extra charge after midnight.
For evening customers, please refer to the benefits.

6. Collect after 4 days or more

After 4 days, items are collected and stored in a separate place and discarded after 1 month.
It is stored in a separate place, so the storage fee will continue to be charged. You must receive delivery on delivery.

Inquiries regarding storage boxes


송내역 안에는 퍼시즌투어와 편의점이 있었다. 

Inside Songnae Station, there was a Perseason tour and a convenience store.

바로 옆에는 무인민원발급기가 있다. 최근 코로나로 인해 무인발급기마다 손소독제가 있는 게 눈에 보인다

이것으로 송내역 물품보관함에 대한 블로그 포스팅을 마치겠습니다. 

아래 사진은 포스팅을 마치고 근처 떡볶이 집에서 먹은 떡볶이입니다^.


